Have you ever wondered how some brands seem to have an ad in front of you at just the right moment? It’s almost like they have a crystal ball! Well, welcome to the curious world of media buying—a realm that’s evolved leaps and bounds from being the playground of only the big players. Gone are the days when media buying was confined to boardrooms filled with suits haggling over prices; today, it’s a dynamic landscape where even emerging brands can flex their marketing muscles. Whether you’re a small business looking to break through the noise or a seasoned marketer wanting to freshen up your approach, I’m here to guide you through the ins and outs of media buying—from its fundamentals to expert tips that could set your ads ablaze. Ready? Grab your free media plan template, and let’s embark on this exciting journey! LEARN MORE.Media buying was once a world of direct deals and closed negotiations. But with the rise of digital media and platforms to buy and sell, media buying isn’t only for the biggest brands anymore.

If you’ve been looking for new ways to get your ads in front of your target audience, I’m going to walk you through how to do just that — from how media buying works to the processes for carrying it out.
Then, I’ll take you through the best platforms to get you started, with tips and advice from marketing experts along the way.
Ready? Grab your free media plan template, and let’s dive in.
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