What’s the value of being untrustworthy?
While this statement might seem obvious, fostering trust is often more complex than anticipated. For B2B companies, particularly those with limited direct interactions with customers, building authenticity can be a significant challenge. So, how can businesses cultivate that trust, and why is it so vital?
According to Bill Kenney, CEO of Focus Lab, trust is a crucial element of a company’s success. It takes root even before potential customers first learn about a business and persists well beyond the signing of any contracts. If you’ve ever contemplated sidestepping authenticity, Bill cautions against the pitfalls of that choice.
In the latest installment of our Industry Insights series, I spoke with Bill about his journey leading Focus Lab, the role trust plays in B2B branding, and the future of brand transparency amid the growing influence of AI.
To view the complete interview, watch the video below:
Warm-up Questions
What’s your favorite beverage? Surprisingly enough, I’m not a coffee enthusiast, but I’m gradually becoming one. Lately, I’ve developed a liking for iced decaf Americanos—caffeine tends to make me jittery.
What was your first job? My first job was mowing the cemetery in my hometown. My mom, as the town clerk, secured that position for me. I lasted
If people can’t trust you, then what’s the point?
You might be thinking, “Duh,” but it’s easier said than done. Authenticity can be very challenging for B2B companies that don’t get as much customer-facing time as others. So, how do you establish that trust? How important is it, really?